-+- c o m p a n y -+- t h e t e a m -+- p o r t f o l i o -+- o f f - l i n e -+- w e b d e s i g n -+- 3 d a n i m a t i o n -+- f i l m - m a k i n g -+- a d v e r t i s i n g -+-

Contact Information


Contact Person's Name:
Physical Address:
URL (or proposed URL):


1. How would you define this project: (tick all that apply)
marketing communications site (company/product info, etc.)
web-based game or entertainment site
community site
web-based application (tool or utility)
content-based publishing site
sales/e-commerce site
modification of current site
Other (please explain: )

2. What features and functionality do you think you'll need: (tick all that apply)
1 = must have
2 = would like, but not essential at this stage
3 = possibly / not sure
4 = don't need


1 2 3 4 Identity
Logo Design


1 2 3 4 Design Requirements
Information Architecture (navigation, organization, restructuring)
Graphic Design
Audio/Video Development
3D Modeling/Animation
Flash or Other Animation
Content Development
Chat or Discussion Areas
Transactions (catalog and shopping cart)
Search Engine
Other (describe: )


1 2 3 4 Functional (Back-End) Requirements
Database Design and Integration
Commerce Engine
Community Tool Development (message boards, chat, etc.)
Advertising and Sponsor Management
Traffic Logging and Analysis
User Tracking (including cookies)
Java or Application Development
Web Hosting Recommendation/Assistance
Technology Tool Research and Recommendations
Other (describe: )


1 2 3 4 Marketing Strategy
Release Strategy and Project Plan
Brand Strategy
Online Identity Guidelines
Content and Editorial Strategy
Community Model
Commerce and Merchandising Plan
Media Strategy (Offline)
Staffing Plan


1 2 3 4 Other Needs
Editorial Review
Usability Testing
Regular Maintenance

3. What are your long-term objectives for this project: (tick all that apply)
Create a new marketing presence on the Internet.
Develop a strong online brand (or division or product).
Reposition an existing marketing presence on the Internet.
Internationalise a site or portion of a site.
Develop one-to-one marketing initiatives and relationships.
Provide extensive customer sales or support functions.
Provide detailed product or catalog-based information.
Establish personal contact with visitors and elicit feedback.
Develop or improve online experience or online consumer purchase experience.
Build a community for a particular affinity group (such as specific types of customers or strategic partners).
Establish and maintain a technological edge over your competitors.
Other (please describe: ).

4. What are your revenue or cost-savings goals and objectives: (tick all that apply)

Develop advertising-based revenue.
Develop merchant or customer listing revenue.
Develop direct sales revenue for: company group; division; product etc.
Develop subscription or other ancillary, transaction-based revenue.
Reduce traditional sales or support costs.
Increase the productivity of internal operations (for group/division).
Increase traffic to site (number of customers per in the first after launch).
Increase total sales (sales goals targets by in the first after launch).
Other (please describe: ).



1. Who is your primary target audience, and how would you describe them? (consider demographics and psychographics such as lifestyle, attitude, purchasing habits and motivations)

2. Your secondary target audience?

3. If this is a commerce site, describe their current buying experience and subsequent needs:

4. Have you conducted any market research to define your audience(s)? If so, please share.

5. What are the top four reasons first-time users would come to the site?

6. What are the top four reasons first-time users would become loyal return customers?

7. What would be the barriers, if any, to acceptance?



1. Can you share any current trends in your industry? The future direction of your industry as you envision it?

2. Who are your biggest competitors?

3. What do you like/dislike about their sites?

4. How do you see yourself defining a competitive advantage within this industry?


Brand Attributes

1. List some adjectives that describe the site experience you want to create:

2. If your site was a piece of music, what style would it be? (classical, hard rock, etc.)


Branding, Marketing, and Promotional Issues

1. Are you seeking to extend, maintain, or develop any brands over the Internet? If so which ones?

2. Do you use an advertising agency, or brand design firm? If so, how involved will they be in the development or redesign of your website?

3. How do you plan to promote your product and/or site? (Do you have a media budget, marketing/promotional strategy, and PR plan?)

4. Which traditional media methods will you use to drive traffic to your site? (tick all that apply)
Advertising: Print; Radio; TV; Outdoor signage campaigns
Direct Mail
In-store promotions
Word of mouth
Other (please describe: )

5. Do you have examples of other sites that you find appealing? If so, please identify them and why they are attractive to you.



1. What is your estimated budget ($USD) for site development: (choose one)
under $1,000
$1,000 - $2,500
$2,500 - $5,000
$5,000 - $10k
$10k - $15k
$15k - $20k
$25 - 50k
$50k - $100k
$100k - $150k
over $150k

2. Do you have additional budgets allocated for:



1. What is your deadline for selecting a web vendor:

2. What is your estimate launch date: or Don't know what is feasible yet

3. Are there any external factors driving your launch date? (product launches, industry shows, etc.)



1. Do you have your own web server? (tick one)
Yes, an internal server.
Yes, a hosting service.
No, we will organise a web server.
No, we need you to organise a web server.

2. What legacy systems or databases are currently in place?

3. Do you have target platforms or browsers?



1. What aspects of a vendor's performance are important to you? (capabilities, work style, geographical location, size, reputation, status, etc.)

2. Are there other known details you would want to tell a prospective vendor?


Final Thoughts

Any last comments that you think may help, or anything we haven't covered above that you consider significant?